This song is the theme of a character of mine, Tare (or Solkarra, depending on who you ask). He's quite an edgelord of a character, and I thought it would be fitting to as a result make it "edgy". I also felt the need to include a smidgeon of sorrow in there, too.
The motif of this track pops up in several other tracks of mine, and was a turning point in how I arrange my pieces. At the time, I listened to a lot of the Calamity OST by DM Dokuro, but also felt the influence of the Hollow Knight soundtrack.
There was several versions of the "B" section of this song, as I wasn't too sure how to structure it. I eventually decided on this version though. There's some other versions somewhere, but you can go find them yourself if you wish.
On a slightly more anecdotal note, quite literally at the time I was making the main melody for the "A" section, I needed to leave for what you could call an emergency. Ironically, what occurred during the emergency was slightly similar to the story I had laid out for Tare at the time.