If you don't want to use "voice synthesis using sine" Go here "https://www.bearaudiotool.com/mp3-to-midi" & here "https://voice-recorder-online.com/" after you convert your voice to midi import your midi synthesis voice and put your grid on grid 1/16 and select all and extend your hidden notes and done
If you on offline sequencer Type "insts=[]; for(i=0;i<instrumentSelect.length;i++) { insts.push(parseInt(instrumentSelect[i].value)) } for(i=0;i<settings.instrumentColors.length;i++) { if(!insts.includes(i)) { var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = i; opt.text = settings.instruments[i]; instrumentSelect.add(opt); } }" on the console to unlock the hidden instruments
How to make your own grid sizes: Type "grid=gridsizes" replace the gridsizes to the grid size you want ex. grid=32 grid=5/1 OR Type "var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = parseFloat(prompt("1/?")/4); opt.text = "1/"+String(opt.value*4); document.getElementById('grid_select').add(opt) //for permanent options in the grid menu" ex. Console code --> enter Type you grid size ex. 5 30 32 10000 do it