-remakes cerebrawl
-adds pizzicato and flute
-calls it a remix
bonus guide for Vasebreaker Endless on PC:
Every new streak you reach, exit out to the main menu, then enter back in. When you end up losing, DO NOT CLICK RETRY. Instead, press "Main Menu". You will then get put back on the streak where you lost (so, if you lose on streak 4, exit out to the main menu, then enter back in, you will start on streak 4 again)
You can also abuse this even further by breaking every vase, taking a screenshot of where all the plants/zombies are, then letting yourself lose (while not clicking retry), in order to get like a guide for the current streak you're on.
bonus guide for I, Zombie Endless on PC:
First, clear a level until there is 1 brain left. Exit to the main menu, enter back in, then collect the last brain. If you don't get the Scaredy-Shroom setup (which is a 4% chance btw), make yourself lose. Again, remember to NOT PRESS RETRY. Now if you enter back in, you will be put back to before you collected the last brain. Do this until you get the Scaredy-Shroom setup. If you do get the Scaredy-Shroom setup, clear it until there is 1 brain left. Exit out, enter back in, etc. Now repeat this until you feel like you have gained enough sun (i did this until i got around 8000 sun, and it was a bit overkill). What I did is that after I gained (more than) enough sun, i placed 2 dancer zombies in rows 2 and 4 each.