Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: User Reposting Permissions List
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if someone remixes a song of yours can you take the remix and post it on your own page with the proper notice?
Hey you guys can remix my work. heck even show me it i would love to see what it is. My only concern is to show me your remix of my song so it isnt just my song credited to you. other wise thats plagiarism. Give credit. And show me
Remixing is ok just show me its actually a remix and give credit
Reposting is ok if you show me you give credit to me and arnt plagiarizing my sequences.

SuperDonavanbros ( SHOW and ASK for repost and remixes ) is ok with remixing but ask and show, reposting is ok if you show me it and give credit (DONT PLAGIARIZE)
did this get noticed
ps how to add check mark?
is there a setting for having your name in the title because its really cool when people do that.
SuperDonavanbros (ASK and SHOW) note: dont plagiarize  
Pricerocks ()
Hey, put me on the list. 
Animus (OK)
How am I just finding this now!? I've had my fair share of reposters and I gotta say I'm not a big fan of it unless there's a reason.

That being said please place me under orange, thank you

Mr. Magicman (✓)
I'd like an update: 
Please change my tick to OK.

I want to see the work if anyone remixes my stuff.
Instantly Meatified (✓) with green
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