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Full Version: Wafels' music with some backstory
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It's been years since I last posted my music on this forum, and I'd like to think I've made some big improvements in my music since I started using OS in 2014. I took inspiration from Jay2k, JHXC, and 13etFL mostly in the way they make complex sequences utilizing most of the instruments the site has to offer. Like their sequences, at least, in general, mine are quite laggy, so for some of these, I included clyp links for some of them in case your computers couldn't handle them.

[url=]A Fight For All (Redux)[/url]

A Fight For All is a battle theme meant for a video game concept I'm working on. It may sound like it's inspired by a Final Fantasy game, but my main inspiration was actually this despite sounding nothing like it. This song is essentially the embodiment of the kind of music I love making/typically make. 

Most of the songs I've made are actually for this concept, but this song was the only one that I really updated. (The others are from 2015-2016, and their quality is pretty far off from my more recent stuff) The version linked here is the latest version because the older version doesn't sound as good, and is a lot laggier than this one already is. 

[url=]Under the Influence of Caffeine[/url]

Clyp link for this song in case you can't run the OS link

Under the Influence of Caffeine is a renamed remix of Seadawg's [url=]Office Coffee[/url]. The chord progression of Office Coffee sounded so interesting to me, so I felt like I had to remix it somehow. This remix became what it is thanks to college stress. I was studying for my programming class finals, and was actually under the influence of several cups of instant coffee. Out of sheer stress, I ended up working on this instead of studying for that goddamn test. Easily a horrible idea, I failed that test by 2 points due to syntax errors (the programming class finals are carried out on paper, leaving me without a compiler to see errors), and failed that damn class by decimals. Screw college. At least this song turned out pretty well. 

[url=]Departure (WIP)[/url]

Clyp link for this song in case you can't run the OS link

Departure is a song heavily inspired by Under the Influence of Caffeine. I really liked how that song turned out, and loved the vibe I got from it because it was so unlike anything I worked on before that. It was also partially inspired by the bridge segment of this song. To be honest, the earliest stages in the development of this song was a desperate attempt for me to learn jazz chords and using the same ones several times hoping it'd work (it did). Like pretty much every song I work on, the title always comes last. The song sounded like a group of friends going on a roadtrip adventure, leaving behind loved ones, although in a light-hearted note.

[url=]Nobility's Requiem (Remix)[/url]

The clyp link of this song is almost absolutely necessary because this song is extremely laggy even for me.

This song is a remix of LucentTear's [url=]Nobility's Requiem[/url]. When I first heard the original, which was probably 2 years ago (?), I just knew I had to remix it at some point because it sounded fantastic. The song has great piano parts, which is something I consider to be a weakness of mine (I can barely piano).  Although I only got the go signal to remix it fairly recently, I think that was a good thing. If I remixed it back at 2016(?), I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have turned out nearly half as good as it did this time. I had the most fun remixing this song because it felt very familiar to my usual style. There were tons of problems in the development of this remix, mostly about not knowing how to continue it, how I wanted the song to turn out, how to keep up with Lucent's style while still putting my own in it, and more. It is currently incomplete, but I don't think I can continue it anymore. It is an extremely laggy sequence, probably the laggiest one I have so far due to its complexity. Being forced to stop midway into the creation of this remix was a sign for me to start graduating from OS. I came here with the intention of preparing myself for music programs like FL Studio, and I think I'm ready enough for it.

Comparing [url=]one of my first ever sequences[/url] back at 2014 to the ones I've listed here, I've come a long way, and I'm happy with the progress I've made. I'm thankful for what this site taught me, which was to break the site's limits as well as my own.