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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Welcome to Unfair Questions! I'm your host, PixelRunner, you can call me Pixel, and the way this game works is one person posts a question that can not be answered. The second person then answers that question with an unfair answer. Here is an example:

Person 1: If Pinnochio said that his nose would grow, would it grow?

Person 2: It would spontaneously combust because it wouldn't know what to do.
Well, to answer that question, you would have to solve 3x+2=7y+4x-2, times it by the color red, eat some pickle juice and you get the color of that mirror.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
There is a room with a door. You are within this room. The door is closed.

Do you wish to open the door?

If you do not open the door you know that anything COULD be outside the room but you know not what. Does it satisfy you more to picture the space outside the room as pleasurable? Perhaps the outside is a place of happy people that like to entertain each other and love to work together. Perhaps outside the room is a beautiful forest with happy little trees and a beautiful sky. Outside the room may be a place that will make you happy.

But outside the room there may also be a person or creature that intends to cause you pain, or force you to cause pain to innocent others. Perhaps outside the room there is ignorance, and corruption, and greed, that all want their filthy hands on your mind. Maybe the space outside the room is not so friendly after all.

If you chose to open the door, this entire world collapses and what remains is what actually is. No more happy, no more evil, there is only the outside of the room, whatever it may be.

However, if the door remains unopened, this entire world of possibilities exists for you to choose what satisfies your desires.

Do you wish to throw away the possibility that you MAY be able to have anything you could imagine, and get something you cannot possibly predict?
Also a mirror is chrome
The question is, is this a question? or is the question the question to answer a question that we don't know the question to? orrrr could the question be a question squared that of the original question which is an unknown question to the question that still questions the question that questioned us which then makes us the questioned question of the problem?

what is the meaning of question? is the question we? or is it them? or is it anything? What is the true question, if the questioned question questions the question of origin?
Why does the sky not the color outside blue and white and black?
If I were to.. let's say slit a sheet. A sheet I slit. Now upon that slitted sheet i sit?
Why cobble here?
"Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment proposed in 2010 by the user Roko on the Less Wrong community blog. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence. The argument was called a "basilisk" because merely hearing the argument would supposedly put you at risk of torture from this hypothetical agent — a basilisk in this context is any information that harms or endangers the people who hear it"'s_b...0existence.

would this happen in real life or not? would this be realistic for it to happen in the real world?
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