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Full Version: Fulll screen?
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I'm new here. Please apologize if this question has already been aswered elsewhere.
When I import the midi file I saved previously, there's this window on the left where you can choose the instruments of your track. Is there a way to close this window so the programming window is full screen? It's a bit annoying because a third of the screen is taken by the instrument choice window.
I tried on Moziilla Firefox and on Brave Brower btw.

Thanks a lot.
No, I don't think there is a way to get rid of this panel until you press 'save.'

Just make sure that you have selected the proper instrument combinations, and be sure to click 'Preview/Import.' Then, once you are happy with how it sounds, the only way to get rid of this instrument panel is to press 'save' (the upload/cloud icon in the sequence editor toolbar), and then click over into the link that pops up once it is saved.

If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask. Also be sure to check out the 'chat' tab in the website. Sometimes chat can be a bit vulgar, but there may always be someone there happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Good luck. I hope that you are able to find this website useful to you.