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Full Version: supported emojis in chat
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var emojis = [["##1176742", ":whatlol:"], ["
", ":poopmoment:"], ["?", ":flushed:"], ["?", ":eyes:"], ["?", ":neutral_face:"], ["?", ":wink:"], ["?", ":thinking:"], ["?", ":pleading_face:"], ["?", ":sunglasses:"], ["?", ":pensive:"], ["?", ":smile:"], ["?", ":heart_eyes:"], ["❤️", ":heart:"], ["✋", ":raised_hand:"], ["?", ":tram:"], ["?", ":weary:"],["?", ":frowning:"], ["?", ":sweat_smile:"], ["?", ":cry:"], ["?", ":drooling_face:"], ["?", ":stuck_out_tongue:"], ["?", ":angry:"], ["?", ":triumph:"], ["?", ":grimacing:"], ["?", ":worried:"], ["?", ":\cowboy:"], ["?", ":ok_hand:"], ["?", ":wave:"], ["?", ":clap:"], ["?", ":thumbs_up:"], ["?", ":thumbs_down:"], ["?", ":smirk_cat:"], ["?", ":fox:"], ["❌", ":x:"], ["✅", ":white_check_mark:"], ["?", ":zzz:"]];

these are all of the currently supported emojis that you can use in chat. for example, typing :wave: in chat will replace it with ?. you can comment some of your most used emojis and ill think about adding them to the list if i'm bored.
? moment