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Full Version: What do you hate in music?
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Inspired by the Most Wanted/Unwanted Song experiment, I ask you all to send a message with your most hated things to hear in music. I then may try to make that into a song. This can include anything from instrumentation, to melody style, to song length, etc.
Uh, Nothing exactly
Uneccesary rap parts
billie eilish
unnecessarily odd time signatures and way too complex harmonies
I hate the rests Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
four chords
I usually hate when a song title isn’t in a song with lyrics, or when the title’s not in the chorus. If you ever make lyrics or have someone sing with lyrics, you should put this in there-
Bad mixing. Like no bass in And Justice For All. Big nono.
modern pop songs, makes me cringe hard every time i see someone listening to it. it is very rare to find one that is not excessively cringey, but when it has no cringe and a good melody that is when i find it acceptable
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