Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: Canada, U.S, Japan, or Greenland?
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Just wondering where you are from!
ah yes. the 5 continents.
You are missing mars }:-(
What about like Great Britain or UK? Why Greenland?! I'm assuming this was kind of like a joke? heh ;-;
(10-27-2020, 06:45 PM)Firebolt391d Wrote: [ -> ]What about like Great Britain or UK? Why Greenland?! I'm assuming this was kind of like a joke? heh ;-;
other   Disappointed
not surprised seeing 90% of the votes coming from other
(10-27-2020, 06:45 PM)Firebolt391d Wrote: [ -> ]What about like Great Britain or UK? Why Greenland?! I'm assuming this was kind of like a joke? heh ;-;
This is not a joke LOL