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The turret line in Portal 2 must have been managed using LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) inventory storage method, because if they had been using FIFO (First-In, First-Out), then the good turrets that had passed through before the template was changed would have been taken out first, and GLaDOS still would've had access to them for quite awhile before using them up to the point where they started becoming faulty turrets.
Are we sure that time isn't just moving backwards?
We are surrounded by 4-d, 5-d, 6-d, etc, but we can't see it, and therefore can't prove it
what if shampoo is made from crap
Do octopuses have gardens, and if they do would you go to see them in a yellow submarine?
Depending on the physics and rules of causality that are used in the Spongebob universe, it can be maintained that there is still a second, alternate version of Squidward still stuck in the freezer at the Krusty Krab, waiting to be thawed in 2,000 years (based on the events of the episode SB-129).
In Battleblock Theater (A game from 2015-ish you have likely never even heard of before in your life), it is entirely possible that the cats, for literally HUNDREDS OF YEARS had forced those unlucky enough to shipwreck onto the island into deadly theater performances (like in the Player's case) judging by the massive amount of skeletons lying around the place. Also, had the cats been led by cats before the Player's shipwreck? Or had they always chosen a not-cat to lead them and run the place? If they did, then how did everything go so wrong this time around? Was Hatty just a special case, and if so, why? Or did this happen before? And if so, how come the cats just keep chilling in the theater? Why don't they try to leave? Also, what is so special about Purringham's hat? WHAT IS UP WITH THE CATS!?
And most importantly...
Why am I even bothering to theorize about a game that nobody cares about?
I am acting stupid aren't I?
I would be interested to read the advice - How not to think about anything? I think I think even in a dream.
Chicken don't have fingers...

I don't want to know whats in chicken fingers...
If you let hot chocolate get cold you get cold hot chocolate and not chocolate.
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