Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: Pickup measures
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I think it would be great if we could add pickup measures, or at least have the measure counting start at 0 instead of 1. If you look at some of my sequences, you can see that currently, to have a pickup measure, you either have to push the sequence forward so that the first full measure is on measure 2, which ruins measure counting, or keep it as it is, which ruins the placement of the bar line. Another way to implement this might be to add the ability to change the time signature with markers, although you might have to add a 1/4 time signature to the list.
Changing the time sig with markers is not going to happen. Due to technical reasons, it would be really hard to implement.

I just move the entire sequence to the right by whatever amount I need to make the measure counts make sense (eg to the next multiple of 4), then use markers to skip the first few measures using super high BPM: