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Full Version: Changing the velocities of Notes
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I'd like to see the ability to change the velocity of the notes. If there is a velocity option set, it will allow for imported MIDIs to sound correctly, instead of having garbled sound. If a velocity option is in the works but is unable to be worked out, I think it would be great to have a menu on the side to control the velocity of the notes that are to be placed. The notes will have a bar [like a loading bar] that fills up toward the end depending how close it is to full velocity.

For those who don't know, velocity is a term used to tell someone how loud or soft a note is.

I'll gladly reply to any feedback that I get on this, and if there are any issues with implementing the feature, you can let me know about that.

My solution to this is placing the same note on top of itself, doubling the velocity. I do this to most of my percussion, for example