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This is a thread for anyone who wants to post their remixes of other OS users' songs on here.


1. Remixes can be any length, and any subgenre of EDM.
2. Please respect other people's opinions; if someone makes a song you don't like, please refrain from berating them.
3. The remixes must be of another OS user's song or your own

I thought that I should clarify rule 3 more thoroughly. I meant that the remix doesn't have to be based on another OS user's song, it can also be a remix of of a song you've already made.

Other than that, I don't know how to write rules, so have fun!
I'll start with a remix I did of one of Captain Presto's tracks [url=][/url]
This is a remix of one of X-Step's sequences that DemonicNoob made. Not entirely sure where it would fall, but otherwise enjoy.

This is a original, classic Drum N' Bass beat Aicidia made. Enjoy!

Right here is a track by X-Step with a nasty kick (and by nasty, I mean freaking awesome kick) and the song is a fricking work in progress!

This one might not sound like a remix of any sorts, but Tibb definitely knows what they're doing. To me it's close enough, so enjoy.

asdf remix of one of my songs
Remixed some noob's favorite song
notey remixed my most popular