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Full Version: 8-Bit EQ marker bug
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The first marker you place to EQ an 8-bit note gets ignored, until an actual sound has played with that instrument.

Steps to reproduce:
- Select 8-Bit Triangle
- Turn on EQ, leave settings at default
- Put some 8-Bit Triangle notes in measure 2.
- Put a marker before the notes, and make it set the high EQ down to minimum value (for example)
- Play the song.  The first loop through the song, it'll ignore your marker.  The second loop through, it'll respect your marker.

Demonstrable scenario here - Note the difference on first play and upon subsequent plays. Even if you stop the sequence and restart it, it'll be "fixed" in that OS will respect the marker:

"Prime" your sequence by hiding a 1/16th 8-Bit note somewhere in the measures prior to where you want to use the instrument.  Try to make it blend in with the other sounds, so it doesn't stick out.
Yep, that's definitely a bug. Thanks for the clear description. I'll fix it this weekend.
This is very strange. I think it might be a bug in the web audio API. As far as I can tell, everything is working perfectly with the markers. If I print the EQ value with each note, the value is correct, so the markers are working. But for some reason, EQ values set before the first note is played don't do anything.

You can even work around the issue by just clicking one of the triangle notes before playing the sequence, or clicking on the piano on the left, so that a triangle note is played before you start the sequence.

The bug is specific to synth instruments, but it has nothing to do with the way getSynthNoteOscillator is lazy loading the notes, because the work around note doesn't have to be the same as the notes in the sequence.

So I'm a bit stumped. I don't really know why it's happening, so I assume it's a web audio API bug.

That being said, I can hack around it pretty easily by playing a silent note to prime the synth when the song is loaded. So, consider it fixed (the fix still needs to be pushed live though).
is this at all related to the very first note of every sequence that i play pretty much never actually sounding
No that's unrelated. Might be because the instrument is still loading, or maybe it could be a lag issue.