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Full Version: Help with a song: Undertale Heartache
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Hi all! I'm new here! Blush

Today i tried to convert this song in midi, but i can't get it right!

Undertale Heartache

I used a Mp3 to midi converter but when i play it it's full of noises and in general it sounds bad!
I'm not able to correct it because i don't know how to use the editor and especially I'm not a good composer. :s

Also i can't find the midi of this song anywhere online...  it's maybe too hard to convert?

Please, can someone help me?
Hi all!

I managed to clean the song of what i think, were supposed to be noises (6000 notes in total!) with the help of another midi editor.

Now it's much more audible!

But i still have some questions:

-sometimes the  notes are not perfectly centered, or not have a normal period, what should i do in this case?
 Center the notes? Make them regular of duration?


-the very high pitch notes sometimes disturbs the other. Should i delete them? Or lower their volume?
you're probably better off ear copying the song (or finding someone to ear copy it for you) than using a midi-to-mp3 converter

i'll finish this later maybe heheheh
Thank you very much!

I have tried to copy the notes manualy, but after an hour i managed only to get something vaguely similar to the first 3-4 seconds of the song...
Also i noticed that you used a very high beat! It's because it helps you get a full note and not split it up?

You did a great job! If you want, would you finish it?
DONE, ending is a bit sloppy but wutev

at some point in the history of onlinesequencer, you could only make 1/4 length notes, so I often doubled the BPM of the song to emulate 1/8 length notes... which is no longer necessary, so it's just a bad habit at this point

also, I'm impressed that some guy already tacked his name on this sequence and claimed it as his own, bretty good
Thank! You did an incredible job! 

Anyway, the name of the guy who claimed this song (Toby Fox) is the original composer!

I don't know if he himself claimed the song or it's just someone that has recognized it, but still, this shows how good your MIDI composer skills are!

Again... congratulations and thank you! :D
np dood

also I should have mentioned this, but the sequence thief I was talking about was [url=]this guy[/url] heheheh

not that i mind much though; i just thought it was a bit funny