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I have used the stars in the skies to determine your future for Online Sequencer!!!!

All you need if for when you were born and when you joined OS.

January - you will be banned on Online Sequencer for trying to roleplay in the discord public chat

February - you will fall out of love with your closest person here and you will fall in love with ***** music

March - you are related to kirby98

April - you're awesome 

May - may you find out that you have no place here

June - you make emo music. you often find yourself hating everyone 

July - you are too talkative

August - you are hated 

September - you are considered nice at times but mainly useless 

October - you're a mod

November - you fail a lot at this month

December (like me) - you are the most amazing person ever and you def dont have a big ego 


I'm December + August
I also am December + April
yay im awesome
my alt TEXT joined on 2018-12-26, and yeah my ego is terrible, i always put myself down and stuff
damm in nice but useless and i will be banned for roleplay. this works into my instadelete of a account master plan very well
i was also born on december
I hate everyone because kirby98 is my second cousin