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Full Version: how is my poem
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View of astonishment.
Cycle mechanically repeated.
Day in, day out
Stacking of clouds.
Lighter or darker,
More or less transparent,
Come to stay long or short,
Same place of growth.
Change is static.
Birth of clouds come from the exact same place.
Thunder they bring,
Blue they hide.
Over and over,
The cycle repeats.
Coming from the same place.
Hiding blue again.

Thunder roars,
Dark clouds banish blue skies again.
Born from the exact same place,
May come to be darker or lighter.
Can come in an instant.
Can come in weeks.
Birth from years in the making,
Static without change.
All hold the same goal,
Block off all blue skies.
Impossible to resist,
Respond to commands.
Can hide for ages,
And come out in its planning,
Responding to cold,
Blocking out blue skies.