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I have noticed that the BPM in OS is not accurate as when you compare it to other metronomes in other programs or online BPM calculators the OS tempo will start to drag and desync tho it can take a while to notice the difference but it is there.
(02-01-2022, 06:57 AM)j_cr0n Wrote: [ -> ]I have noticed that the BPM in OS is not accurate as when you compare it to other metronomes in other programs or online BPM calculators the OS tempo will start to drag and desync tho it can take a while to notice the difference but it is there.

Does it really matter, I mean its not like someone would use the OS metronome for other music-making websites.
Thats because OS may be a little buggy and lag behind a bit.

Try fast graphics mode
It varies between browser and system too. When I used FF on ubuntu, the longer that i had the browser open (days) the more glitchy and choppy it would get. I would have to reboot. Then my hard drive died and I switched to mint and OS worked perfectly. Then OS got its big upgrade about a year ago and it no longer runs in FF (instruments refuse to load), so I have to run it it chrome now and it doesn't play back perfectly smoothly. The exact same note combination will randomly phase differently and stick out in the mix quite often, and in different spots on each playback. Even drum flams are inconsistently phased, so it means that the notes aren't playing back exactly consistently on time to the metronome.
No, the BPM is quiet. It's just a measurement of tempo so it is not audible at all. You can turn on the metronome in the bottom-left corner to hear an audible representation of your chosen BPM, though.
?i did some testing OS runs at exactly 172/173 real time speed
don't expect perfect tempo on an online sequencer. it's a website and lag exists
(02-05-2022, 09:03 AM)Cool172 Wrote: [ -> ]?i did some testing OS runs at exactly 172/173 real time speed
omg OS isn't perfect I am going to cancel OS on twitter dot com ??????? OS how could you be like this smh ? am going to use beepbox ??
(02-01-2022, 06:58 AM)Fat Cheese Man Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-01-2022, 06:57 AM)j_cr0n Wrote: [ -> ]I have noticed that the BPM in OS is not accurate as when you compare it to other metronomes in other programs or online BPM calculators the OS tempo will start to drag and desync tho it can take a while to notice the difference but it is there.

Does it really matter, I mean its not like someone would use the OS metronome for other music-making websites.
It matters because
when youre trying to remake an aphex twin song
and you add an audio file to help you
it can be quite annoying
when it goes out of sync
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مورس الطب منذ عصور ما قبل التاريخ ، حيث كان في معظمه فنًا (مجالًا للمهارة والمعرفة) له صلات متكررة بالمعتقدات الدينية والفلسفية للثقافة المحلية. على سبيل المثال ، يقوم الطبيب بوضع الأعشاب ويصلي من أجل الشفاء ، أو الفيلسوف والطبيب القديم سيطبق إراقة الدماء وفقًا لنظريات الفكاهة. في القرون الأخيرة ، منذ ظهور العلم الحديث ، أصبح معظم الطب مزيجًا من الفن والعلم (الأساسي والتطبيقي ، تحت مظلة العلوم الطبية). في حين أن تقنية خياطة الغرز هي فن يتم تعلمه من خلال الممارسة ، فإن معرفة ما يحدث على المستوى الخلوي والجزيئي في الأنسجة التي يتم خياطتها تنشأ من خلال العلم.

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