Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: Notifications and/or some way to see comments on sequences from your forum profile
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I like knowing if people comment on the sequences I make, but, as far as I'm aware, the only way to know if anybody has commented is to manually open every individual song and open the comments to see if there's anything new or not. 

I believe it would be nice to be able to scroll through a section on the forum profile, select one of your sequences, and be able to read and respond to comments on sequences. In addition, comments posted on sequences could show up as message notifications or something with the option of turning off these notifications if desired.
Yes I agree
This sounds like a good idea. I agree as well.
i dont know anyone who is against this
Perhaps it could be implemented in the same way that subscribing to a forum thread works. you opt in to get emails on a per sequence basis (maybe have it on by default for each sequence you create) when someone comments, and you can unsubscribe as a whole or just from certain sequences, if there is spam.
I was about to post a request for a message about comments on sequences when I found this thread in the search.
The inbox would soon be full, it is at the maximum limit already even though I have deleted many messages.
Maybe better with a personal page with comments and links to the sequences.
For example, a playlist with sequences placed at the top with color markers.
Also, I want to be able to delete bad comments and correct my typos.