Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: technical difficulties
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I'm currently using a proxy to type this. Why? Because Online Sequencer has been BLOCKED. And at the moment, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't even make music properly because the actual sequencer itself is buggy on proxies (at least for me). Expect me to be gone or a while. If I'm not back to traditional music production by, say, October 21st 2022, then I'll just retire. I can't believe something I've built for almodt two years is finally gonna be. . . gone. ***** school, ***** people, and I hope you all have a great day.
What proxy are you using
school bad
do you have home computer
I'd want to express my gratitude for your contributions to our website. If you want to improve your agility, don't skip run 3 not every level is easy.