Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: I'm back?
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Hey! Long time no see, everyone!

Most of you probably don't know me, but my name is Vulminous (Or Vulminous_Music, the name of my main account I can't get into, or Vulm, which many people who have been on here have called me)

For those who don't know me, (Which is probably a majority of you,) I have been on OS for 5 years this coming March, but my passion of music goes much further back. When I was like 10, my parents enrolled me in piano lessons for a year, and even though I quit because I didn't want to practice, the love of piano stuck. I was also in chorus for 4 years, from middle school to 9th grade, and that just solidified my love for genres like Jazz, whose harmony influences most of my music, and Musical Theater, a genre that I wish i could compose in.

I started seriously making music around 9th grade, when I joined OS for the first time. The format of the website was, and still is pretty straight forward, and the community has always been amazing (Although back in 2018 it was a lot more chaotic.

All of my older music can be found on Vulminous_Music, but I'm hoping that I can start a new era for myself. I already almost finished a song I started on that account,  And I just finished a new, ambient-like song that's focused more on effects than my typical "Groove based" songs, 

I can't chat today, and I probably won't for a while, but I'll still be trying to make music. 

See ya then!
good to have you back!!
