Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: more obvious "based on" tag
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I have come to deal with ripoffs on this site, but I was just wondering if the "based on" tag could be enlarged and put behind the sequence title to make it more obvious.

I get this probably won't happen because I'm probably the only one that cares, and one of the only people to try and mention original creators in al my remix titles, and comments, but it would be awesome if they'd make it like this:

"My first remix by noobiemusicmaker based on 352684 by DotNet Studio"

If this gets changed I'd be much less irritated by ripoffs etc, and the original creators would get the attention they deserve too. I feel like the current "based on" tag is waaay too small, yet quite important.
i agree

(not like my stuff is stolen anyway but still)
The only time I get annoyed is when they change the instrument haha