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Full Version: "Transiotion" effect
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Welcome again to DotNet makes a random feature suggestion that is completely out there and maybe not even possible, but like the title says, I came up with a basic concept (of a somewhat complicated thing) I just wanted to share with y'all.

What if there was a new effect in the advanced tab (and togglable with markers ofcourse) that would be the "transition (notes)" effect. What it would do is it would make notes "fade" into eachother when placed behind eachother. I made 2 little example sequences of what the effect would do, with markers. The issue to why we can't just use markers right now is because it would require us to work at 4 times the BPM we'd want to be able to properly pull it off.

What it is now:

What the effect would make it (kinda) do (veruy bad reprisentation, but emagine this good. No clue how much it's possible to make 2 samples transition smoothly, but this is what I had in mind, just done better (somehow)):

I hope you leave a reply to let me know what you think of this idea, and keep in mind, it's a suggestion and a very poorly made example, it's the idea that matters! I hope you like it Smile

Thanks for reading have an awesome life<3
umm just do it with markers, that sounded fine