Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: Super Collab!
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Hey guys. I just got a brilliant idea! Let's (everyone on  OS who wants to) do a SUPER collab together. (Basically, just make a piece of music that everyone contributes to).
Anyone can join in, at any time, you don't need to ask. Once you've done a part, or upgraded a previous part, post it in this thread so that everyone can see it. Try to use the latest version posted on the thread. (unless that version is a troll)

Anyways, I'll start: 
to add on to it, just find the most recently posted version and add on to that.

My goal is to make a huge amazing song showcasing many of the great and unique styles of online sequencer, and this'll be over when the song stop being updated. I hope this turns out like I thought it would.

btw, you don't have to be good or anything. There's no qualifiers other than try your best. (ik its cheesy, but it's relevant)

so this sounded like some good fun
i helped! 

more updated. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Well, why the hell not? I added my signature synth pluck flavor Smile
there's actually a problem with the thing.
when i added the percussion, it made the key disappear.
cut the percussion, auto-key, and paste it back if you need to.
but people who come here are normally not idiots.
so why did i put that in?
because some people actually are.
scratch that it didnt work.
look at me, i'm an idiot.

:0 oh look an edit. cool.
i added some of my own song in there.
i've gotta do this more.
added grand piano to the chinese sounding part (Only the part the second part with the violin and cello). Keep it up guys, this is coming together really well! Also, ANYONE can join at ANYTIME so if you haven't yet, and you want to, go right ahead, you're MORE than welcome
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