Online Sequencer Forums

Full Version: Thanks to everyone and have a nice christmas
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I've just been going through some random sequences and ive been enjoying them, some hitting me with nostalgia and others are just great tune and it got me thinking. i would've never been so interested in making music if it wasn't for this site and that could've only happenned because of everyone here making some sick tunes. I've not hit a milestone or anything lol but i just feel thankful to all those who have invoked creativity and shared it around, this website is filled with people full of creativity and potential and weather your creating your next masterpiece or just a sequence for fun, i just want to thank you for making os what it is today, so thank you. (just realised this sounds like some sort of pr stunt to customers to improve morale but that wasn't my intention lol).

Also have a great christmas everyone.
Thanks, you too.
Enjoy New Year's, I've been taking a break and intend to keep doing so a while.