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Full Version: Detune for just intonation
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I'm trying to do very specific detunes, but I can't achieve that with using shift click on the detune slider bar. I want to detune by +2 cents, but I can't do that. The closest I can get by using shift click is -4, 0, and then +10. Others tell me they can achieve others values with more time and patient, but I just can't get it. Has anyone else tried to detune to just intonation intervals? If so, what was the result? Jacob, can you make an update to have numerical input for detune instead of the sliding bar we have now?
There's also a way to get more precise values by using Inspect.

Open your instrument and right click on the detune bar, then click inspect.

The element should look like this: <input id="instrument_options_advanced_detune" class="slider detune_slider tooltipstered" type="range" min="-1200" max="1200" step="100" oninput="setDetune(instrument, this.value)">.

Double click on the part where it says max= and replace the number 1200 with whatever value you want, let's say 5. If this value were negative, then you would use min= instead.

Now you can enter out of inspect, and hold down shift and put the the detune bar to the max, or minimum if that's what you are using. 

Sorry if that was a lot. I agree, a numerical input would be much better.
setDetune(instrument, detune in cents);

tip: you can just use the word 'instrument' to use the currently active instrument.

to set precise detune on markers:
1. run this command with the desired value to change the main setting.
2. click the 'reset to global' button in the marker.
3. reset the main setting to what it was. for more