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Full Version: Delay Timing Slider
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We need to add a slider or something to edit the timing of delay, so you could have longer or shorter time between echoes.
Great idea
(05-04-2024, 07:37 AM)Toasty_UwU Wrote: [ -> ]We need to add a slider or something to edit the timing of delay, so you could have longer or shorter time between echoes.

Yes !!! Absolutly !!!
How about a delay that works as an actual delay plugin does rather than just repeating the same note 4 times, it records a small section of audio, plays it back afted a specified frequency, and records the output of itself. There also could be a lowpass filter on the output. There also should be either this for each side, or a panning LFO that we also can adjust the frequency of. We would need a limiter so high feedback values don't break people's speakers.

So in total 5 sliders:
Delay time (frequency)
Feedback (how loud the delay records its output)
Stereo Amount (how much the LFO pans the output)
Stereo frequency (how quickly it is panned)
Filter (the lowpass)