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OS YouTube Channel - Printable Version

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OS YouTube Channel - Alex_ - 01-10-2020



Things to look forward:

-Online Sequencer Podcast (I am the host, people talk about many things about music production)
- OS daily or every other day (Basically record the sequence and post it on the channel)
- DAW Music. (requires even more proof of artist)
- Recommended plugins and soundfonts (Probably be only once a week though)

What does that mean:

-submit your best music down below and any other socials you want to promote. Must be originals.
-If you want to be in the podcast, DM me on discord @Dat Alex#3000
-DAW music must be original.

But where will the monetization money go?

-We cant monetize till we get 1000 subs
-The money will be made to help fund future projects like Online Sequencer Convention


RE: OS YouTube Channel - The Newlstoon - 01-10-2020

oh great

RE: OS YouTube Channel - the_rizzler - 01-12-2020

##1130600 I really would like to have a recording of this when I complete it, as my computer doesn't run it so well. It's not done yet, though. You can add Phase B if you like

RE: OS YouTube Channel - Alex_ - 01-12-2020

How many notes. If it has too many, I may not be able to run it as well lol

RE: OS YouTube Channel - Lopyt - 01-12-2020

42k notes so far

RE: OS YouTube Channel - Alex_ - 01-12-2020

Yeah idk if I can do that. Maybe split it up into parts and I can have Azrael, my editor, do it.

RE: OS YouTube Channel - Azrael - 01-12-2020

(01-12-2020, 06:10 PM)Sir_Guy Wrote: 42k notes so far
I can record it.

RE: OS YouTube Channel - Vulminous_music - 01-13-2020


RE: OS YouTube Channel - MrMCgrady - 01-31-2020

not my best, but my post popular for...some reason





RE: OS YouTube Channel - Anarchipig - 01-15-2025

I struggle to record on a computer that can't handle a project smoothly, and I've been there before! I remember working on a track with multiple layers and effects, and my laptop would lag so much that I couldn't play it back correctly, let alone record it. At the time, I exported sections of the project individually and then pieced them together using a lightweight video editing tool. That way, I managed to get a proper recording without the endless frustration.

Suppose you're still looking for something to make recordings or edits easier. In that case, you should check out free video editing software here: