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Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Printable Version

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Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Alex_ - 02-03-2020


Today I have an idea for a mega collab song. I want the best of the best composers on this. 
This song will be a collection of different styles people compose in. 
This song will also be linked at least with a central core element or motif to make the parts conjoin together and have smooth fluidity. 
Each person shall compose between 16 and 32 measures (HOPEFULLY USING A HIGH BPM)

Well but Alex, the other megacollabs failed because of structure and lack of initiative 

Well, I can't answer for the second one, however, I have an idea on how we structure this song. 

1. Piano Melodic Opening
2. Retro Game 
3. Dungeon Rock 
4. Chill Ambient
5. Jazz Smooth
6. Synthetic EDM
7. Baroque symphonic
8. OS Pop
9. Modern or Early Rock
10. Heavy Symphonic Metal
11. Ethereal Melodics
13. Jazz Experimental
14. A jumble of All of the Above to End it off with a bang.
15. Closing Piano

Please reply to the thread if you are interested. Thanks and make music


RE: Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Julesvpraag - 02-10-2020

count me in for 15. closing piano

RE: Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Lopyt - 02-10-2020

This will be similar to Dream Theater, from what I read

RE: Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Alex_ - 02-10-2020

Melodic Piano Part

RE: Alex's Official Megacollab Proposition - Firebolt391d - 02-10-2020

I think a majority of the failing of the previous mega collabs was because of lack of organization and people taking turns ended up making multiple different inspired sequences, making random other branches.

To fix this problem, I suggest having everyone wait until everything is ready and then make a specialized message for each user on his or her turn to edit. Make the order of users before hand, and track them as they edit. That way, everyone can get a chance to add, and nobody will add to the wrong one.

I might be wrong on this, but I think this is also a large contributor to a lot of the problem.