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Site Regulation Announcement - Printable Version

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Site Regulation Announcement - LucentTear - 12-16-2021

Hello everyone.

We've recently held a public discussion on Discord over how we can improve the community space inside website chat. We will now make conscious efforts to turn the Online Sequencer community into a more welcoming and thoughtfully engaging place to discuss music and other subfield topics.

There are two points I would like to touch base with—asking the community for help and introducing upcoming security features.

We need your support!

The current staff works hard to make sure the sequencer stays peaceful and to de-escalate issues that may occur. We also frequently reform the official rules to make sure they are relevant and up-to-date.

However, our efforts alone are not enough to change the kinds of interactions taking place on the chat. We cannot continue to hand out repercussions to misbehaving users and expect good behavior to come out of it.

Instead, we believe that promoting good behavior starts from the core of the community, and that we should slowly alter the way in which we communicate with others on a daily basis.

Our main goal is to reduce inappropriate content on the chat. This is a music community first and foremost and that conversation should ideally be about Online Sequencer or other music-related topics.

We are going to be more strict around sexual topics as they have no place on the site. From now on, please refrain and encourage others to refrain from using certain vocabulary on the chat. If you are unsure what "certain vocabulary" entails, please contact me and I will let you know what isn't allowed. Otherwise, we will now enforce a 30-minute mute policy every time someone mentions something inappropriate.

Moreover, if you feel that the chat is derailing, try to refocus the conversation topic back to Online Sequencer! This is the most effective method of calming the chat.

Quote:Here are some example topics to interject into the discussion:

- Ask about someone's favorite sequence.
- Talk about your favorite instrument combinations or site features.
- How did you first find about Online Sequencer?

It takes collective initiative to change the overall behavior of the community. If you enjoy using Online Sequencer, please support our cause! Be the person that you are willing to talk to and support each other!

Improved Security Measures

We occasionally add new security features to deter misconduct on the site. Our most notable updates include the 5-second chat cooldown and the 24-hour chat restriction for new accounts. These have helped in discouraging spam and preventing alt accounts from becoming problematic.

We have decided on these new features:

Quote:Additional Chat Restrictions
In addition to the 24-hour restriction...

- Users will be required to read the website rules before proceeding.

- Users will also be required to post a thread to the Introduce Yourself subforum.

- This will affect users who have joined before the update, but have not posted to this subforum. Please post a self-introduction in advance!

Other Quality of Life Updates
- The in-progress Vote Mute feature will let regular users use a chat command to mute a misbehaving user for 30 minutes after a specified vote count. The Vote Mute feature will also notify admins about the user similarly to the !911 command. We are still deciding on the number of votes required to successfully vote mute a user.

- We are also figuring out how to prevent muted users from whispering others on the site. The actual logistics are still unknown.

We hope that these upcoming features will improve community experience on the site. Happy sequencing!

RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Calico - 12-16-2021


RE: Site Regulation Announcement - TekNik - 12-16-2021

thank ***** OH MY GOD VOTE MUTE

RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Ctrl - 12-16-2021


RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Mr. Magicman - 12-16-2021

happy to be apart of this! :)

RE: Site Regulation Announcement - lu202gamin - 12-16-2021

I agree to this, inappropriate things have been happening on chat quite often. #OSCRM

RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Guns - 12-16-2021


RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Ben - 12-16-2021

Oh hell yeah #OSCRM

RE: Site Regulation Announcement - ♩♪♫♪♬♩♩ - 12-16-2021


RE: Site Regulation Announcement - Esperanza - 12-16-2021

this is based #OSCRM