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Re-opening Moderator Applications. - Printable Version

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Re-opening Moderator Applications. - LucentTear - 03-31-2024

Hey everyone. Due to the somewhat stagnant nature of our moderator list (as many of us are busy in college), I will be re-opening the applications to invite some fresh faces to our team!

The requirements have not changed since the last time I've written this type of post, so I will copy paste some of the requirements from there. You can read my last application announcement over here.

Your account must be at least 2 years old, and that your account must have 300 sequences -OR- at least 1,000 views on one sequence. As also mentioned in a similar post, I will actually check if your account meets these requirements.

In addition, you are expected to commit a few of days of the week to moderate the main site (as opposed to simply moderating from Discord). This will encourage a more active moderation staff to be present on the chat at any given time and discourage moderators from abusing their power off-site.

If you guys are interested in applying and that you meet these prerequisites, I started a new form over here:

As such, I hope everyone looks forward to the new staff to come! Happy sequencing everyone.

— Lucent

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - mirapenn - 03-31-2024

i had my guard down and everything

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - Lopyt - 03-31-2024

Your relationship with the community will also likely affect who is chosen as a moderator

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - tbyunomi - 03-31-2024

Sent out my application!!

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - Benvisions - 04-01-2024

I've been rickrolled, and by the way, I have no plans to be a mod because I'm starting to be busy with college (basically like the rest of the mods).

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - jclem05 - 04-01-2024

Is this an April Fools Joke?

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - Lastie - 04-06-2024

I wanna be a mod, but I don't have 1000 views on one song lol

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - fledge - 04-06-2024

completed application

RE: Re-opening Moderator Applications. - misusethechat - 04-17-2024

i thought it was real