Hey all. I'm brand new here, and so I hope I'm not asking something that's common knowledge or that's been asked and answered a million times. I did look around the forums a bit for a thread related to this topic, but if it's there, I didn't find it.
Earlier tonight I made my first sequence [ [url=
]Online Sequencer - Sequence #1855843[/url] ], just doing a bit of testing and whatnot. I ended up liking what I came up with, but I created it before I registered an account, so it didn't get attributed to me. Once I registered my account, I tried to copy and paste the notes to a second sequence, so it would be under my name (thinking that maybe I could then get the original, uncredited one deleted). Instead, this resulted in a sequence with all the notes inverted and in different instruments than the ones I chose. I couldn't understand why this happened, and the only possible theory that I could come up with (aside from me just not having a clue what I'm doing) is that maybe the site doesn't allow carbon copies of the same sequence, in order to avoid sequence theft, or so that the site just doesn't become bogged down with unnecessary, duplicate sequences.
However, I then saw that there was what appeared to be a duplicate of my sequence, at [url=
]Online Sequencer - extremonomia - extra (#1855848)[/url] I don't know how this got created, or why it carries the name "extremonomia - extra". I certainly did not give the track this name. So this whole chain of events has left me with a lot of questions: Can I get my sequence, the first one I ever created here, attributed to me (without going through the trouble of recreating it from scratch)? Can anyone explain that weird, inverted sequence that resulted from my attempt to copy my sequence? What's up with the duplicate sequence that has a name that I never gave it? Does that mean that someone else hijacked my sequence, or it just some weird by-product of my attempts to make a copy of the original sequence?
Again, apologies for my ignorance.
Earlier tonight I made my first sequence [ [url=
However, I then saw that there was what appeared to be a duplicate of my sequence, at [url=
Again, apologies for my ignorance.