As always, a big thanks to all who participated in the contest!
In first place we have Thinking of You by RuleEmpire. Congratulations, you'll be getting 5 points on the Grand Leaderboard!
In second place we have days i'd rather forget by LucentTear. Great job! However, since you have chosen to opt out of getting leaderboard points, those who placed 3rd and 4th will receive points as if they were 2nd and 3rd.
In third place we have piano style by -_-Aqua-_-. Nice job, you'll be getting 4 points on the Grand Leaderboard!
In fourth place we have Talking to the Stars by Esperanza. You'll be getting 3 points on the Grand Leaderboard!
We also have a few honorable mentions! Congratulations to everyone listed below. You'll all be getting 1 point on the Grand Leaderboard.
- Chrono by MeeMSequencer.