12-08-2020, 06:55 AM
(12-07-2020, 10:47 AM)animebro(gabe) Wrote:yall should still get it tho(12-07-2020, 10:47 AM)Cringe_Gaming_64yt Wrote:i havent tested it offline lol, but i doubt it will work offline(12-07-2020, 10:38 AM)animebro(gabe) Wrote: its for windows only, sorry, but let me walk you through the stepsi bet that it wont work offline
1) visit this website https://ufile.io/jdm09sk7
2) hit free download, and download the file
3) install that app (note, do not be alarmed when your taskbar vanishes, its just the app booting up, ik its weird)
4) visit this website https://firework.cloud/s/vRJ6Si
5) click add
6) hit windows button, tap recently added, open either the os app (if it shows up, ur good to go, if not try the next step) or fireworks
7) if you open fireworks, see if you have the os app installed, if you do ur good to go, if not try the link again.
8) if all else fails, copy online sequencers homepage link (https://onlinesequencer.net/) and hit the plus button in firework, paste the link and press add.
you're welcome >w<