12-05-2018, 10:54 PM
Mystic Collection
12-06-2018, 12:56 PM
12-07-2018, 01:01 PM
[url=]Test212_V1_994154_WIP[/url] What?? I'm about to give it all up... xmas songs is done already by the way And this song is too familiar...
[url=]Test213_V1_994199_WIP[/url] I want mono on the grand piano... I really want it... Just listen in stereo... I'm not comfortable with it. Maybe there's a way to change it later but I don't think it will be possible. The OS is still best ever
I have updated Test 213 on my new computer, and there is still static electrical noise on the flute. I have not tested many 8-bit instruments together yet, but I'm afraid everyone is experiencing the static electrical sound more or less. I'll tell you more about it later. Apart from such things, it's quiet silent computer, I hear that clearly but it's not very inconvenient. I have not yet played any games or used any 3D app though... If you think my post it weird, I'm using google translate for a lot of text. I still have to correct it afterwards so I'm not sure it is correct for you. Below is my own try without translating....... Since it's a new computer I had to use the web browser Microsoft Edge and it's not good here, at least not at this time but I cannot recommend it for anything. Then I tried Google Chrome but I didn't like it. Opera is the best browser, it's the only browser I could use on my old computer before the support ended on it too... Now I've installed the latest version of Opera and I like it even more now! The only what I think is bad with Opera right now is that I cannot find a way to exclude the clearing of important cookies. But I'm also using CCleaner where I can exlude cookies
The Software Corner (Microsoft Windows apps, good freewares found on the web) My english isn't perfect and I don't want to copy paste, so it's my text only. I'll make corrections by the time. You are welcome to PM me if something looks weird. MWSnap - Useful old app for screenshots, a favourite many years now. Current stable version:, 06 Jul 2002 Platform: any 32-bit Windows - Seems to work fine in Windows 10, 64-bit. I've extracted the ZIP file in Program (x86)\MWSnap IrfanView - Good graphic viewer. There's a 64-bit version too. Classic Shell - Classic start menu for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 & Windows 10. It's however discounted since December 7, 2017. I installed it on my brothers Windows 7 for some years ago and he still have Classic Shell installed on Windows 10. I thought it was good but since the developing of Classic Shell has stopped I'm going to look for alternatives. here: http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/alternatives.html and here: https://alternativeto.net/software/classicshell I'm using Open-Shell now and it seems OK. Metapad - Great but old text editor. I was using it to edit HTML many years ago and it's a great tool for replacing words and code quickly among other things. I've always been using it, even now in Windows 10. You will still need Notepad for special text files and Wordpad, or alternatives, for more advanced documents. Autoruns - Handle with caution And if you love system apps, check Sysinternals Suite OpenShot (New to me) Hopefully a better alternative to Avidemux that I've been using to cut videos or convert AVI to MP4 x264. Edit: 2019-09-21. Unfortunately I forgot about it because Avidemux and VirtualDub is still working pretty good on my new computer. But I won't forget about it. Pazera Software Audio & video converters, system utilities and other free software Seems good to me VirtualDub - I've been using this to edit uncompressed AVI (HuffYUV or Lagarith codecs) before converting to MP4 with Avidemux. With AviSynth it's possible to use a reverse script and make cool animations (another app is needed to convert to GIF) or make looping videos. Find a small funny video clip and make a revensed version of it. Then open the first clip and append the reversed clip and edit & save new clip. Both must have the same codec and be without sound. You can add sound later if you want.
I've just tried [url=]all the 8-bit instruments together[/url] on my new computer, and there is no "static electric sound" anymore. But there is some on the flute. I've changed the link because I wasn't able to save the sequence before and when it finally worked to save I deleted all the notes in the current sequence and imported the local file but after saving it there was a new sequence...
12-11-2018, 02:09 PM
I'm preparing for the Dec. 2018 Monthly Contest. I know I'm late but I've got a new computer to configure and a lot of other things to do. There's also problem with Discord who prevented me to log in, I'm trying to solve it. (solved 2018-12-12) I'll post this when it is complete, if ever See my post there https://onlinesequencer.net/forum/showth...9#pid14969
12-15-2018, 02:30 AM
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