This tutorial isn't updated for the new instruments in the World Update.
As everyone at this point knows that getting notes that aren't 8-Bit to sustain is impossible, right? Well, with the help of No_Username, I have found out a way to sustain notes using our 8-Bit friends!
Here's a list of notes that work with this method:
Electric Piano
Grand Piano
Harpsichord [Works better with Sawtooth or Triangle]
Concert Harp [Up to a certain point with increased Harp volume]
Acoustic Guitar
So, now that you've checked that the note you want to sustain is on the list, here's how you actually sustain it.
First, you want to put the note of choice down:
![[Image: 5Y6QyWCMRYWLu1HBSNb8Aw.png]](
Second, you're going to want to choose these settings for the 8-Bit Sine (or Sawtooth/Triangle for Harpsichord):
![[Image: zaSjAH6XS8iepbycoUu6KQ.png]](
Notice how the volume is just below the "8"
Reverb is optional, sounds best for notes above E5.
Third, you have to place the Sine note 1 octave below the note you're sustaining, and drag it however long you want it to sustain for:
![[Image: dtMI6_-FQdC07D69N-F8-w.png]](
And that's it!
I hope this tutorial has helped a few of you that were wanting to sustain your notes. Thanks for reading! If you find any other notes that this will work with, don't hesitate to post a reply and I'll update the list.
Tutorial Sequence