Users can request to opt out of receiving points from the Monthly Contests. If they do, and one of their entries places in the top 3, then the points will be awarded to the next sequence in line, and that sequence's points will be awarded to the next sequence in line, etc.
In the event that the winning entry is a collaboration, only the users in the collab that did not opt out of points will receive their share of points. If all participants in the collab have opted out of points, then the points will be awarded as described in the previous paragraph.
In any given month, if 5 or more entries to a contest are from users who have opted out of points, or if there are multiple entries from users who have opted out of points that comprise 30% or more of all of the entries for that month, then a separate category will be made for those entries for that month. Only 1 winner will be chosen from this category, and no honorable mentions will be made for this category.
Users can opt out of points at any time, and users can opt back in to points at any time. However, users will NOT regain any points they would have earned while they were opting out when the opt back in. If a user opts out of points in the 1st through 21st of a month, it will take effect immediately. If a user opts out of points after the 21st of a month, it will not take effect until the next month.
The sequence that appears in the winning sequences playlist each year will be the winning sequence that has points awarded to it.
2021 Monthly Contest winners can also retroactively choose to opt out of the points gained from the yearly prize if they so choose.
Please note that this system is only tentative; it will be amended as necessary.
If you wish to opt out of or back in to receiving points from the Monthly Contest, please post a reply here stating that you want to opt out! By default, everyone is currently opting in to points. If you have previously requested to opt out of points before this post was made, please still post here.
Thank you to everyone who has read up to this point in the post! I want to have more of these blog posts made throughout the year, so I'll hopefully see you all there!