This thread is for new/curious users who need to be caught up on the modern slang of the website. This thread will be updated ass more words are added.
ENJARD | en・jurd - An insulting word (ex, "dumbass"
ASSLAMP | ass・lamp -The OS version of "asshole"
MEGALO | meg・uh・low - A category of sequences that originates from Toby Fox's "MegaIovania", which was featured in the popular game "Undertale"
ENJARD | en・jurd - An insulting word (ex, "dumbass"
ASSLAMP | ass・lamp -The OS version of "asshole"
MEGALO | meg・uh・low - A category of sequences that originates from Toby Fox's "MegaIovania", which was featured in the popular game "Undertale"