Guys, we need to talk.
I've been on OnlineSequencer for more than 3 years now (even though this account is newer).
I've been on OnlineSequencer for more than 3 years now (even though this account is newer).
Since then, I've seen a lot of things; LucentTear's PINK username, FOX AVATAR, and "I'm learning to drive", (which I think is my favorite sequence on OS).
But there's one thing I've never understood: WHAT IS A MODERATOR?
So this forum will be about: what can he do, how did he become one, and how to become one.
If anyone knows how to become one, I would be eternally grateful.
From now on, I will count the days to become a moderator.
And this is DAY 4
If anyone has any information, I would be happy to know it :D