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Online 709 days ago
Member since 2018-03-09
193 sequences
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I may or may not exist
Some light jazz for ya.
haha balls in yo jaws song
anime lofi type prog
My confession but without strings-Doki Doki Literature Club
Chord progression thats the same chord but the last chord sounds happy for some reason.
Away in a Manger (Transcription)
The Concept
Possible Collab or smth
Chill Vibes for Everyone, bogo
Hurricane but Different
Chords for trapbeat but with a trapbeat
Sleeping Beauty Waltz
Calm of the spring
Fonky Sequence
30 min chall
Lofi... Kinda
Cave of Venixa
Crab rave but ive only heard the meme part
Trouble in the Magic Forest
8-bit Thingamabobber
Ambience of 13
American Patrol March
Chill tf down bro my god like what
2 Chords
Catchy I Guess
Dahnce Pahty Jah!
Trap Beat (Free To Use)
Mystery in the house
Happy Birthday to Me (June 21st)
Fly me to the Moon For SATB and Piano Accompaniment-Frank Sinatra, Arranged by Bart Howard
MoRe JaZz
Jazzy Noteblocks by Piano Jams and Aaron Grooves
Phineas and Ferb Rag
oMg InSpIrAtIoNaL1!1! yOu CaN dO iT1!1
News Break
Do whatever with this.
f u n k 2 : f u n k y b o o g a l o o
f u n k 3: f u n k ?
Piano and Trap beat with the help of Guest
Chill Vibes For Remxing
Super Mario Bros 1-Underwater Theme
WK Epic Guitar (Vulm edit)
Oriental Loop
Giant Steps But with a Trap Beat
Loop 2
f u n k y
Help! I'm stuck in an elevator!
A thing of nightmares
Do Not Be Afrad but it has a chill beat behind it.
Determination-Toby Fox
Do not be Afraid (Transcription)
The Tired Drummer
Kinda Cool Chord Progression
Oh ***** Corona 2: No More Boogaloo
Chill Guitar Loop (Now With Percussion)
Ambient Chord Progression with Not So Ambient Percussion
A Strange Man But With A Trap Beat
Test Or Something But With A Trap Beat
Mozart Variations But With A Trap Beat
Phineas and Ferb Rag but With a Trap Beat
Illusions and Delusions
Snowy Day Piano
Happy Times
Okay Voice Leading
Avidity Beats to Study to
IDK lol
i be chillin
d o o t
hehe funny
Chill Guitar Loop
Sexy Times
just a couple chords (My remix)
Becky Edit
Ringtone 1
Lots of notes cuz why not
Stereotypical chord progression
Mystifyingly Meticulous Meme Medley.mid
Name this for me!
(WIP) Les Mis Medley Accompaniment Pgs. 14-26
Midnight Serenade
wierd piano thing
Midnight Showdown
Nokia Waltz
Little Music Box
8-Bit madness
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