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Online 25 days ago
Member since 2020-07-22
309 sequences
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Hey Yall.. Im 20, just a Kentucky boy trying to find his place in this big world
Counter Attack (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
The Writer's Fury (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
Battle Song of Eden (Made by Ridzyaki)
March of the Centipedes Short Tunes
Reunionize (Matter Of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
Adventure in The Unknown (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
The Corrupted (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
Adventure Awaits (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki)
The Unfathomed (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
The Last Straw (Matter Of Time) Made by Ridzyaki)
The Intergalactic Void (Matter of TIme) Made By Ridzyaki
The Roar of the Dragon (Matter of Time) WARNING: LOUD AT THE END
The Next Step (Matter of Time) Made By RIdzyaki
Generations Ago (Matter Of Time) Revamped by Ridzyaki feat. XStep
Tear in Time By Ridzyaki (Matter Of Time)
Clear Skys? (Matter of Time)
Circus of Elgore (Matter Of Time) By RIdzyaki
The Light at the End of The Tunnel W,I.P (Matter of Time)
Aftermath (Matter Of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
Untouched (Matter of Time)
The Gateway? (Matter of Time)
Ancient Ruins (Matter Of Time) Made By Ridzyaki
The End??? (Matter of Time) Made By Ridzyaki
Destruction Among Us (Matter of Time) By Ridzyaki
The FIght For Victory! (Matter of time) Made by Ridzyaki
Revenge W.I.P (Matter of Time) By Ridzyaki
Behind the Shadows (Matter of Time) Made by Ridzyaki
The Remains (Matter Of TIme) Made by Ridzyaki
Walking Through The Fields (Matter Of Time) By Ridzyaki
Lost in the Rain (Matter of Time)
Short Tunes List
Explorations Abroad
A Glance Beyond
Matter of Time (Expiremental Album)
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