Online 6 days ago
Member since 2020-09-27
167 sequences
4 playlists
108,945 plays
Dearest Archbishop of Candy Crush Saga,

It appears that once again, I have ran out of my lives in this Candy Crush Saga, after many battles and quests, I have tumbled into despair after receiving a message that my lives has been wasted in these coming battles. It is my humblest gratitude to ask you once again, to send me some lives on Candy Crush Saga as I need to usurp my uttermost enemies in these coming battles. Due to my exasperated impatience, I cannot wait any longer in destroying and conquering these levels. Please give your contact so I can accept your friend request so I can continue my Saga in Candy Crushing. I will therefore reward you at a set time, at a set date, at the given location. Please hear my message and heed my word, "I must defeat my Candy Crush Saga". Have my humblest gratitude after receiving this message and honoring me. Please contact me with haste, for I have yet to restart my battle, please mail me as soon as you can dear Arch Bishop for as my battle, has yet to be ended.

Yours sincerely and faithfully, Saint Crumb