- Damn
- Damn
- Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn. Damn Damn Damn Damn.
Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn
It's up to me now, turn on the bright lights
[Verse 1]
I had seven faces
Thought I knew which one to wear
But I'm sick of spending these lonely nights
Training myself not to care
The subway is a porno
Pavements, they are a mess
I know you've supported me for a long time
Somehow, I'm not impressed
But New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
[Verse 2]
Subway, she is a porno
And the pavements, they are a mess
I know you've supported me for a long time
Somehow, I'm not impressed
[Instrumental Interlude]
It's up to me now, turn on the bright lights
Oh, it's up to me now, turn on the bright lights
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
New York cares (Got to be some more change in my life)
It's up to me now, turn on the bright lights (got to be some more change in my life)
(Got to be some more change in my life)
Oh, it's up to me now, turn on the bright lights (got to be some more change in my life)
(Got to be some more change in my life)
List of artists tjoff is listening to right now (in no particular order)
- Interpol
- Radiohead
- My Bloody Valentine
- Green Day
- Blink-182
- Sum 41
- Tyler, The Creator
- Deftones
- Koяn
- Frank Ocean
- Rage Against The Machine
- My Chemical Romance
- Alice In Chains
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Linkin Park
- Queens Of The Stone Age
- Limp Bizkit
- Thin Lizzy
- Redbone
- Fall Out Boy
- The Beatles
- Oasis
- Franz Ferdinand
- Smashing Pumpkins
- System Of A Down
- Weezer
- American Football
- Foo Fighters
- Electric Light Orchestra
- Three Days Grace
- Pink Floyd
- Panic! At The Disco
- Kendrick Lamar
- Joy Division
- Car Seat Headrest
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- Soundgarden
- Yes
- Metallica
- Megadeth
- Slipknot
- The Strokes
- Duster
- Pantera
(For context, I have listened to many albums by many of the artists listed above, but for some of these artists I have only listened to like one song ) (Tjoff likes to dance to disorder by joy division - Pest) (yes i do, thank you very much - tjoff) (Might be some repeats, sorry! - tjoff)
Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
Wow I'm A Dumbass
So I was in love with this girl and even better she sat right next to me in class, I then told my friends, they then told me to say something insane about her, I said I wanted to **** her to be wild and show them I could, they recorded it and sent it to the same girl. Damn
(Update; History repeats itself, like the amount of shit my friends have lied to this girl about is crazy, can't they just let me live)
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn
Damn Damn Damn Damn
Who the fuck is Pest, nobody gives a Damn about Pest, if you are Pest, fuck you (btw; love your music, hope you have a great day!)
Me when .˘.: