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e Ewrruewc
Ewrruewc's profile picture (2024)
Born Gabriel Stidham
5 September 2011
(age 13)
San Antonio
Occupation Composer
Years Active 4
Notable Works The 26 Klaviersonates

Ewrruewc (born 5 September 2011) is an American composer, pianist, and violinist. He is a relatively young composer, being only 13 at the time of writing.
His pieces are written trying to mimic the classical style, although not fully, he still strictly follows most of the forms (ex: sonata form). His early works, which range from 2020 all the way into 2023, are typically his least favorite pieces, as his more recently, more developed pieces are ones which he thinks higher of. His main inspirations are well known composers, such as Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, and Chopin; this led to the current period of works, which are more refined and show a much greater use of restraint compared to earlier pieces. Much like Beethoven, he is growing increasingly deaf because
of rapid hearing loss. This has severely impacted his ability to write pieces, resulting in them being much louder so he has the ability to hear what he writes.

Born in San Antonio, Ewrruewc did not really display any musical interest or talent until the age of 6, when he started playing the violin. He was initially taught with no breaks by his grandparents, slowly transitioning into traditional lessons. Around 4 years later, being taught at a local music school, he wrote his first piece, a simple piano sonata based of off Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu (which did not recieve an opus number until a year later). He was more known as a violinist than a composer, as he was good at the instrument compared to his peers, becoming known by most of his school by the end of each year. Around a year later, he started writing again, but with opus numbers, assigning that early piano sonata "Op. 1" (he very much despises this sonata).

His first major work, Piano Sonata No. 4, nicknamed "False Possibility", was written in the summer of 2023, taking approximately three weeks to write, and his first major orchestral work, Klaviersonate Nr. 10, nicknamed "Symphonic", was written 3 months later in the same year. Despite the increasing presence of hearing loss in his everyday life, he continued to write pieces and play instruments, finishing the Op. 36, and Op. 37 sonata sets within about a two month time span. To first his friends, he admitted he was going deaf. "I just can't possibly hear what people say half of the time." He has no romantic interest, unlike his student, who started writing significantly later than Ewrruewc himself.

After leaving Primary School, his friend group grew larger; but that still didn't help anything, as his hearing kept declining. Around this time, he started creating his current style of works, much more ambitious for the grander ones, laid back and relaxed for others. His (still unfinished) Requiem Mass, he has been writing for a year, but not really because he lost the file around a month in. His Sinfonie Nr. 2, nicknamed "Großartig" (really his Sinfonie Nr. 1), was only his second experience in writing for orchestra, only writing on OS (before clones existed so there were plenty limitations). His Sinfonie Nr. 4 has been in writing for about four months, because he is a perfectionist and doesn't think some parts are good enough. A concert was agreed upon between him and his student to take place sometime in 2025 (see main article), showcasing 8 works; all listed on its page. Those concert works are still in progress, with Ewrruewc being only around halfway done with his pieces.

Life and Career

Early life and education

Ewrruewc was born in San Antonio, to a relatively small family of three (with him, four), he lived like this for around two years in a house (now painted) blue. Around the age of two, the fifth member of his family was born, his sister (very annoying). They stayed in the old home for about three more years after that, Ewrruewc being sent to a Catholic School for toddlers nearby. Then they moved over to the town of Abilene, for a work opportunity his father was given. School went as normal, except they moved back to San Antonio by the time he was in first grade, and then moved to another school in second grade.

2015 - 2018: Abilene

Either in 2017 or 2018, Ewrruewc was put into a local elementary school to start his school career, it was a relatively small school, only having kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. He attended both grades the school offered, being a rather mischievous child; being forced to attend the local church as well. He was rather dumb in this time, like all other of his peers. He learned to count, read, and all the other basic things you typically learn in that grade. The only thing relevant that happened in this time was meeting his grandparents, who were to set him on his future immediately after they returned to San Antonio.

They lived in an apartment for the time they lived there, a gray depressing colorless environment. But hey! At least the complex had dvd rentals and a pool! The schedule was as always:

  1. Dad goes to work
  2. School time
  3. Return home
  4. Eat
  5. Sleep

And that schedule repeated for about five years, with visits to San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Portland to visit family.

2018 - Current: San Antonio

2018 - 2020: Pre-Pandemic

After five long years in Abilene, Ewrruewc (at this point they will now be referred to by their real first name) and his family moved back into San Antonio with his grandparents. While his parents looked for a house to buy, Ewrruewc attended the local Primary School and got into the GT (Gifted and Talented) Program (which he is still in to this day). His Grandma, took him to the theater one day to see a movie that had just come out, being very young, Gabriel proceeded to think playing violin would give him superpowers or something. So then he got a violin rental (which still goes on) and watched some violin tutorials that didn't work. So then he was enrolled in some rather expensive, but high quality lessons that he took for the next four years. During one visit to Portland to visit his aunts, uncles, and Great-Grandfather, his Grandpa took him to see the nearby Aircraft Carrier that had been converted into a museum about 20 years prior. That carrier is actually the oldest remaining fleet carrier in the world, and in one of the rooms, there was a television playing the also recently released Midway (2019) (It's a good movie go watch it). It was around this time that he recalls his hearing started getting worse.

2020 - 2022: Pandemic

During the famed COVID-19 Pandemic, Gabriel was forced to stay sitting in his house for the entire duration. Although I really can't write much here from nothing happening, I can say one of the best (worst) things that happened in this time. So it was Gabriel's 10th birthday, a big day, double digits. And then MY ENTIRE (immediate) FAMILY GETS COVID, worst present ever.

2022 - Current: Music

By the time the pandemic ended, he had already become accustomed to lazily doing nothing all day, everyday. Now since schedules repeat, lets skip to late 2023.

Late 2023

Around this time, Ewrruewc had just written his longest sonata to this day, the "Symphonic". As this was a huge piece, over 1 1/3 hours long, he had immediately stopped writing lengthy pieces for a while, writing around 10 pieces in the two weeks after. Then around the time of October, he was to start his longest single work.
Sinfonie Nr. 2 was a major failure in his creative process, the only interesting movements are the second and fourth. The first movement was just a whole bunch of spammed Diminished Seventh chords. The third movement was just 10 minutes of music repeated four times, rather boring, right?

2024 and immense sadness

The signs of his dear great-grandfather's health were slowly dwindling as by August of this year, he was hospitalized, having an emergency operation leaving him never able to walk again. Although there were many prayers said, as Gabriel never visited him again for the last 3 months of his life, Gabriel continued to write as normal. The day he turned 13, he had his last interaction with his great-grandfather. A simple call, lasting little over 30 minutes, very hopeful. His family had been planning to go visit his great-grandfather in the near winter-break. But he didn't live that long. The happy little composer was launched into a severe loop of increasing sadness and started to socialize less. By this time, he had started not being able to hear what people are saying, "I just can't possibly hear what people say half of the time." As music was his only point of life due to an already miserable home life, this was the final straw, he saw no point, spiraling into a never-ending funnel of sadness and mourning. He held his great-grandfather dear, he was his favorite far-away relative. With this new, more gnarled form of sadness, his music followed with his mental state, becoming increasingly dissonant, only keeping his old style for the still not finished Sinfonie Nr. 4. (i have been crying while writing this, any mention of my great-grandfather just makes me tear up, just thinking about how i'll never see him again in my life after the funeral.)



This is an almost up-to-date list of my works that I try my best to keep current.

Opus Number Actual Work Number Work Name Movements (if any) Work Key Length (hh:mm:ss) Year Composed
Works With English Titles (Op. 1 - Op. 8, No. 1)
Op. 1 1 Piano Sonata No. 1 3 C#-Minor 00:12:09 2022
Op. 2 2 Piano Sonata No. 2 3 C#-Minor 00:18:47 2022
Op. 3 3 Piano Sonata No. 3 3 C#-Minor 00:26:53 2023
Op. 4, No. 1 4 Étude No. 1, "Slow Climb" None A#-Minor 00:03:09 2023
Op. 4, No. 2 5 Étude No. 2, "Ocean" None F-Major 00:02:27 2023
Op. 4, No. 3 6 Étude No. 3, "Slow Climb Variation" None C-Minor 00:03:29 2023
Op. 4, No. 4 7 Étude No. 4, "Chaos" None A-Major 00:02:56 2023
Op. 5 8 Fugue No. 1 None None 00:05:54 2023
Op. 6 9 Fugue No. 2 None None 00:10:02 2023
Op. 7 10 Piano Sonata No. 4, "False Possibility" 4 G#-Major 00:39:33 2023
Op. 8, No. 1 11 Sonatina No. 1 3 E Major 00:04:06 2023
Werke Mit Deutschen Titeln (Op. 8, Nr. 2 Und Nach Oben)
Op. 8, No. 2 12 Klavierkomposition für die Musik der harmonischen Dissonanz Nichts C-Moll 00:07:12 2023
Op. 9 15 Ein einfaches Prälüdium und eine Fuge Nichts D-Dur 00:03:49 2023
Op. 10 13 Ein einfaches Kanon und eine Fuge Nichts D-Moll 00:03:18 2023
Op. 11 14 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:02:34 2023
Op. 12 16 Eine etwas schwierige Fuge Nichts Nichts 00:02:45 2023
Op. 13 17 Klaviersonate Nr. 5 4 Gis-Moll 00:35:30 2023
Op. 14 18 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:00:48 2023
Op. 15 19 Wut über eine verlorene Notenseite Nichts Cis-Moll 00:03:56 2023
Op. 16 20 Ein einfacher Doppelkanon Nichts Nichts 00:01:07 2023
Op. 17 21 Impromptu Nr. 1 Nichts C-Dur 00:02:14 2023
Op. 18 22 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:00:51 2023
Op. 19 22 Cappricio der Dummheit Nichts Nichts 00:03:30 2023
Op. 20 23 Fuge Nr. 3 Nichts Nichts 00:01:54 2023
Op. 21 24 Eine Einfache Komposition für das Cembalo Nichts D-Dur 00:01:25 2023
Op. 22 25 Eine kurze Komposition für das Cembalo Nichts Nichts 00:00:39 2023
Op. 23 26 Impromptu Nr. 2 Nichts C-D/M 00:02:26 2023
Op. 24 27 Impromptu Nr. 3 für ein Klavierduett Nichts Cis-Moll 00:02:45 2023
Op. 25 28 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:01:12 2023
Op. 26 29 Klaviersonate Nr. 6 2 H-Dur 00:18:10 2023
Op. 27 30 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:00:31 2023
Op. 28 31 Fuge Nr. 4 Nichts Cis-Moll 00:08:18 2023
Op. 29 32 Impromptu Nr. 4 Nichts Ais-Dur 00:04:01 2023
Op. 30 33 Ein Abschied vom besten Musiklehrer, den ich je hatte ausgedrückt in einem Capriccio Nichts Nichts 00:01:54 2023
Op. 31 34 Impromptu Nr. 5 Nichts Dis-Dur 00:00:43 2023
Op. 32 35 Ein langer Rasch für den Hammerklavier Nichts Nichts 00:10:50 2023
Op. 33 36 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:02:21 2023
Op. 34 37 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:01:35 2023
Op. 35 38 Ein langes Fugato für ein Klavierduett Nichts Nichts 00:02:21 2023
Op. 36, Nr. 1 39 Klaviersonate Nr. 7 4 Cis-Moll 00:45:39 2023
Op. 36, Nr. 2 40 Klaviersonate Nr. 8 3 G-Dur 00:21:24 2023
Op. 36, Nr. 3 41 Klaviersonate Nr. 9 2 F-Dur 00:17:11 2023
Op. 37, Nr. 1 42 Klaviersonate Nr. 10, "Symphonic" 4 D-Dur 01:22:23 2023
Op. 37, Nr. 2 43 Klaviersonate Nr. 11, "Fugal" 2 Cis-Moll 00:09:00 2023
Op. 37, Nr. 3 44 Étude Nr. 5 Nichts Cis-Dur 00:03:04 2023
Op. 37, Nr. 4 45 Streichquartett Nr. 2 3 C-Dur 00:15:02 2023
Op. 38, Nr. 1 46 Sinfonie Nr. 2, "Großartig" 4 C-Dur 02:01:41 2023
Op. 38, Nr. 2 47 3 Stücke Für Streichquartett 3 C-Dur 00:11:18 2023
Op. 38, Nr. 3 48 Sinfonie Nr. 3 1 G-Dur 00:05:37 2023
Op. 39 49 Nichts Nichts Nichts 00:01:27 2023
Op. 40, Nr. 1 50 Klaviersonate Nr. 12, "Für Einsteiger" 3 C-Dur 00:13:46 2023
Op. 40, Nr. 2 51 Klaviersonate Nr. 13 4 Cis-Dur 00:04:36 2024
Op. 40, Nr. 3 52 8 Variationen von Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Nichts C-Dur 00:04:54 2023
Op. 41, Nr. 1 53 Eine Studie über Paganinis Stücke in Etüden: I. Arpeggio Nichts E-Dur 00:02:42 2023
Op. 41, Nr. 2 66 Eine Studie über Paganinis Stücke in Etüden: II. La Clochette Nichts B-Moll 00:08:32 2023
Op. 42 59 Die Kunst Der Fuge 13 Nichts 00:20:00 2023
Op. 43 60 Klaviersonate Nr. 14 3 G-Dur 00:03:09 2023
Op. 44 61 Klaviersonate Nr. 15 6 A-Moll 00:07:05 2024
Op. 45 63 Feiertagslied, so eine Art Nichts G-Dur 00:03:50 2023
Op. 46 62 Grosso Concerto Nr. 1 5 D-Dur 00:22:48 2023
Op. 47 65 (actually 87) Sonatina 2 A-Dur 2024
Op. 48 64 Requiem 8 E-Moll 00:07:35 2024
Op. 49 67 Klaviersonate Nr. 16 6 D-Dur 01:02:54 2023
Op. 50 70 Violin Concerto Nr. 1 3 Bb-Dur 00:21:04 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 1 71 Klaviersonate Nr. 17 3 A-Dur 00:23:15 2023
Op. 51, Nr. 2 72 Klaviersonate Nr. 18 2 D-Moll 00:30:41 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 3 73 Klaviersonate Nr. 19 4 A-Dur 00:37:57 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 4 74 Klaviersonate Nr. 20 3 Bb-Dur 00:20:09 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 5 75 Klaviersonate Nr. 21 3 C-Dur 00:17:54 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 6 81 Klaviersonate Nr. 22 2 G-Dur 00:07:55 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 7 83 Klaviersonate Nr. 23 3 C-Moll 00:34:56 2024
Op. 51, Nr. 8 85 Klaviersonate Nr. 24 4 C-Dur 00:10:41 2024
Op. 52 80 Double Harpsichord Concerto Nr. 1 1 D-Moll 00:10:19 2024
Op. 53 82 Allegro 1 C-Dur 00:05:56 2024
Op. 54 84 Sonatina and Fugue 2 C-Dur 00:07:42 2024
Op. 55 89 Suite 3 D-Dur 00:01:51 2024
Op. 56 86 Klaviersonate Nr. 25 4 F-Moll 00:05:42 2024
Op. 57 88 Sinfonie Nr. 4 4 D-Dur 00:45:45 2024
Op. 58 90 [ 22 variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Nichts C-Dur 00:17:4511 2023
Op. 59 91 12 Variations on a theme by Viri Nichts A-Dur 00:05:52 2024


These (above) are the works that I have put under my Opus catalogue, but with some works, I wrote them before I had even started putting works under opus numbers. Of course, I have no plans with them, I occasionally put parts of them into works, sort of like spare parts; but otherwise, they have no use. They are listed below. I will be using the abbreviation "SoO" (Stücke ohne Opuszahlen) to list these works, I will put them in the best I can remember of chronological order.

(there are actually hundreds of these but i am too lazy to add the rest, ill do it someday)

Stücke ohne Opuszahlen
SoO Number Piece Name Work Key Composed
SoO. 1 Untitled None 2022
SoO. 2 Untitled None 2023
SoO. 3 Untitled None
SoO. 4 Untitled None
SoO. 5 Untitled D#-Major
SoO. 6 Untitled G#-Major
SoO. 7 piano thing C-Minor
SoO. 8 Untitled None
SoO. 9 random composition i wrote D#-Minor
SoO. 10 Arpeggi del Vento None
SoO. 11 Untitled None
SoO. 12 Untitled None
SoO. 13 Untitled None
SoO. 14 Untitled None
SoO. 15 Untitled None
SoO. 16 Untitled None
SoO. 17 Untitled None
SoO. 18 Untitled None
SoO. 19 Untitled None
SoO. 20 Untitled None
SoO. 21 Untitled None
SoO. 22 its all my fault None
SoO. 23 Untitled None
SoO. 24 Untitled None
SoO. 25 Untitled None
SoO. 26 Untitled None
SoO. 27 Untitled None
SoO. 28 Untitled None
SoO. 29 Untitled None
SoO. 30 Untitled None
SoO. 31 Untitled None
SoO. 32 coda for 4th sinfonie, mvt, 4 None

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