Easter Eggs and Running Jokes

Revision as of 10:22, 14 September 2024 by MoonlightTheStupidTouhouFan (talk | contribs) (Rule 13: no underage users or else it's balls to the wall)

Throughout the ages, Online Sequencer has had several April Fool's pranks and miscellaneous easter eggs.

Notable Jokes

April Fools Jokes

Main Article: April Fools Jokes

Rule 13

Rule 13 is a made-up rule that implies that any user under the age of 13 cannot use the chat, similarly to Rule 12. It's usually either LucentTear or Fox who enforces this rule, but

the actual origin of Rule 13 is currently unknown.

Ever Given

In April of 2021, an image of the Ever Given ship temporarily turned the editor into the Suez Canal. This was a few days after the real ship got stuck in the canal after an error was made in controlling the massive boat.


The "candy?" prank

The candy page is a near-empty page on the main site featuring nothing but the typical site-wide header and the text "candy?" in magenta.

Lopyt's Sexy Elbows

The user Lopyt has stated multiple times that his elbows are sexy. This has led to a cult following and in turn, the creation of a website praising Lopyt's elbows.

Faecal-related chat messages

Jacob's daily Poop faecal-related chat messages and subsequent imagery are a long-running phenomenon in both the Discord server and the site.


Main Article: Salad

On September 3, 2021, LucentTear created a thread on Discord called "salad," the world rejoiced, feasting upon this dish of delight. Many sequels were made in an attempt to attain the same fame the first thread amassed.

Die (Studio Album)

Die (Studio Album) was a humorous "studio album" created by user tbyunomi.

Brad Day

Brad Day is an annual holiday primarily observed by Online Sequencer every September 22nd, celebrating the birthday of Brad Coulter. It was first held in 2017.

i created the arp at the beggining with sitar

This is a meme that originated when user Legendary_ posted Space Travel and left a comment on his own sequence reading "i created the arp at the beggining with sitar" which sparked a meme where ♩♪♫♪♬♩♩ (now banned) posted the comment on nearly all of Legendary_'s sequences, and a chain of comments on the original sequence. There is now a playlist and a forum post containing sequences making fun of the meme.