2025 Concert (Ewrruewc, Viri)

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The 2025 Concert, held by Ewrruewc and Viri, is a planned concert that will happen in the year 2025. This concert's purpose is to showcase the skill of both composers when it comes to musical composition. The pieces will show the difference in their styles, and their varying experience in certain genres (Ex: Concertos, Sonatas, and Symphonies).

The Pieces (so far)

  • Sinfonie Nr. 1 - Viri: This piece is a culmination of all he has learned in composition, leading up to this piece.
  • Sinfonie Nr. 4 - Ewrruewc: This piece is his 4th sinfonie, unfortunately, since he is going deaf, the piece is rather loud
  • Klaviersonate Nr. 24 - Ewrruewc: This piece is currently being worked on, the first movement is not complete yet.