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Member since 2023-04-13
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Just a geek/nerd who likes to make music and chat.

OS Dystopian Story idea excerpt (Title needed, ty to everyone who gave permission for me to use them, and no i did not bother proofreading cause im tired as ***** and this is some ***** writing ik)
“They’re through here.” Liam curtly pulled aside the tent flap, revealing a bare interior save for a huge makeshift cage in the center, welded and strung together. Once inside another look in the cage showed a person sitting on the cell cot, reading a book. For their current predicament, they were remarkably well kept; sporting a dark unbuttoned frock coat and pants, a red and black vest made of some silky material complete with a tie.

With everyone inside and the flaps once again cutting out light from the tent, Cosmic stepped towards the cell.

“We were told you know how to infiltrate Jacob’s fortress.”

The person turned a page in their book.

Liam spoke up. “This kind person asked you a question. Speak.”

There seemed to be a tense atmosphere plaguing the group and centered around the cage, people gripping their weapons tighter or looking nervously over their shoulders. The person calmly pulled a loose paper from their coat and bookmarked their reading material, tossing it to a free space next to them.

“You…. You…. and you, I’ll talk to them.” They pointed at Fox, Lucent and Lopyt, beckoning them closer. Liam held out a hand to stop them.

“Y’know you really shouldn’t be so uptight; it can cause literal health problems later in life. How ‘bout you go take a coffee break? We’ll be fine right here.”

Liam glared daggers at the prisoner calmly staring back, slowly lowering his hand and letting the suggested members walk up towards the cage before nodding at Fox and begrudgingly leaving the tent.

“Do you know a way of getting straight-”

“If you think about it…” The prisoner interjected. “…the human brain is a huge board of switches… up and down you go, flicking switches, up and down and up- and all this is happening at tremendous speeds, about 50 bits of info is processed per second, up and down, flickity flicking switches- but sometimes…” The person stood up, making motions with their hands. “…the brain misses things, or intentionally leaves out important info- and all of it important… how could you live with that? Live without the potential that everything you would ever need or seen can all be accessed with a flick of a switch-

“Get to the point already.” Lucent interjected in turn. The person in the cage slowly locked eyes on her towards the back of the group, leaning on and wrapping their slightly pale fingers around the bars.

“…How’s your stomach feeling, LucentTear? Is it stinging yet…Your arm in working shape, Lopyt?”

A strange sensation spiked up from Lucent’s stomach to her chest and arms, causing her to nearly drop the vibroblade she had unsheathed a minute beforehand, while Lopyt looked very ill all the sudden. At these reactions the person smiled and chuckled; Their smile almost too white and wide for their face, a laugh that was slightly too pitched to fit its vessel. Fox grabbed the collar of the prisoner and pulled them close, drawing out their knife.

“Oh ho ho! This ones fiery!”

“You better *****ing tell me the shortcut to the fortress or I swear I’ll- “

“What? Kill me? Maim me?” The person had their hands held up out of protection, but there was an unexplainable glint in their colorless eyes. “Go ahead. Do it. Slice me to ribbons. I wanna see you try.”

“Tell me how to get there!” Fox raised the knife above the person’s head.

“I already told you how to get there, you just weren’t listening. But y’know…if you want…I could show you….”

The person started slowly reaching out their hand towards Fox’s face, with Fox poised to strike but just watching as the fingers inched closer…


Fox snapped out of their trance and turned to see a furious Liam at the tent entrance, with everyone else looking slightly worried. She lowered their knife and stepped away, the person doing the same.

“All of you come with me, we’ve got a situation that just came up.” Liam led the rest out from the tent.

Once they were out it was like some invisible blanket was lifted, everyone seemed to be back to their normal states.

“Be seeing you Fox…Lucent…. buh bye!” The person chuckled again, flashing their wide smile and waving, darkness falling upon their shadowed form once more.