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How much do you chat on OS?
So I've done a quick analysis, and I found out how much the moderators chat here on OS.

I did this by going into chat logs, searching up each moderator's name, and looking at the bottom to see how many pages in total were listed for that person. Some error involved in this may be caused from mentions of the person rather than the person actually speaking. For example, the word "data" is oftentimes used to describe data and is not always the user "Data" speaking.

I recorded each person's amount of pages, and then I added up all of the page amounts and I took the percentages based on that sum. E.g., for Jacob, he is mentioned in 52 entire pages.

(52/991)*100 = 5.247% ; where 991 is the sum of all the moderators number of pages.

The results reflected what I had originally hypothesized. Jacob, Kirbyderp, and XStep talk the least.
Alex & Data, Void & Spock, and LucentTear speak the most, with LucentTear at the highest mention rate of them all, with 299 pages of texts and making up 30% of all the moderators chats.

1. Lucent, 30%
2. Data, 23% (Data and Alex combined are ~29%)
3. Spock, 20% (Spock and Void combined are ~22%)
4. XStep, 9%
5. (Alex, 5.5%)
6. Jacob_, 5.2%
7. Kirbyderp, 4%
8. (Void, 1.8%)

[Image: JjWcldi.png]
Results were recorded on May 4th, 2020, at 12:40pm EST.
Note that this study was performed after the site's original chat logs had been removed
All day every day. I have no life.
remember when I had 1300+ pages on the logs before the chat reset? nah i dont either
I am obvously not a moderator but I think I talk about as much as Spock and lucent combined
oops i guess Guest doesn't exist lol
wait but i chat... occasionally
Further Data suggests that the top 10 speakers on OS are:

1. Robo, with 515 pages of chats and mentions, and making up about 4.028% of the total pages of chat;
2. Sir_Guy, with 476 pages (Sir_Guy and Swimming Saucer combined have 544 pages), making up roughly 3.7% of all pages;
3. EtherBot, with 449 pages, making up about 3.5% of total pages;
4. Instantly Meatified, with 412 pages, making up about 3.22% of total pages;
5. Liu Catlin, with 397 pages, making up roughly 3.105% of total pages;
6. Doublecoin, with 318 pages, making up about 2.49% of total pages;
7. Viku, with 279 pages, making up about 2.18% of total pages;
8. ▇▆▙▆▙▇▞, with 274 pages,making up about 2.14% of total pages;
9. LucentTear, with 270 pages, making up about 2.11% of total pages;
10. InfantFinite, with 268 pages, making up about 2.096% of total pages;

Data taken on May 4th at about 11:00pm EST.
Doe this look right? Tell me if I forgot anyone.
how often do I chat on OS? at least 1
Here is some more data.

[Image: 97aXEUH.png]

[Image: aXLkZr4.png]

[Image: Bac2L98.png]

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