Online Sequencer Forums

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is ur mom ur dad or not really? idk
my mom is my mom and my dad is my dad.

Pretend that it has been confirmed that the dimension theory is real if there are infinite dimensions, could you make up your own dimension and then acknowledge that that exists?
no, since that dimension doesn’t exist if its your own separate dimension belonging with the other dimensions.

Can humans actually fly, or evolve to fly?
yes. airplanes.

how would you make a translator device that translates unknown alien languages into English?
it would play whatever was said in your mind until it sounds like English to you, at which point you will reply with something that is inevitably very insulting, causing everyone on Earth to die by vaporization.

If toast always lands jelly side down and cats always land on their feet, what would happen if you strapped toast jelly side up to a cat's back and dropped it sideways?
you would be stupid

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
Because if you out colded it, you would eat die of hypothermia

Can a can can can a can with another can if that can is already a can can?
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